15 Best Pet Dog Breeds in India
Best Pet Dogs For Your Family Dogs provide us with a sense of emotional well-being, thanks to the unconditional love they give, which is why they're also great companion and provide comfort to people who live alone. Owning a dog can help people to recover from personal trauma, such as bereavement. Dogs can teach compassion, loyalty, responsibility and cooperation. However it is always a good idea to research the best pet dog breed for your children and lifestyle. Here is the list of top 15 dogs which can be kept as a part of your family. 15.) Indian spitz The Indian Spitz is a high-spirited, intelligent and playful dog; it is very alert, vocal and obedient. The lifespan of an Indian spitz is 10 – 14 years. Indian spitz is most popular dog breed in India , and if someone wants to buy a simple and friendly dog they thought about the Indian spitz. The price of an Indian spitz in India is 5000 – 1500...